
Showing posts from April, 2015

We Are a BODY not a BUILDING 04/18 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

We Are a BODY not a BUILDING 04/18 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

The Importance of Intercessory Prayer


Institutional Ministry and WHY it is VITAL! 04/12 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

Institutional Ministry and WHY it is VITAL! 04/12 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

What Does it Mean to Be "Spirit-Filled?" 04/11 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

What Does it Mean to Be "Spirit-Filled?" 04/11 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

The Simplicity of Salvation 04/10 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

The Simplicity of Salvation 04/10 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

What Does it Mean to Be "Spirit-Filled?" 04/11 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

What Does it Mean to Be "Spirit-Filled?" 04/11 by NJITS | The Bible Podcasts

How to Get Deliverance from Sexual Sin


NJITS - PTSD my story part 1


What Does God REALLY Say About MONEY?
